Thursday 12 February 2015

Are Women Capeable of Casual Sex...

Of course we are...

I'd like to think I was a Samantha, I can be as casual as most men.
But that doesn't devoid me from feeling something for the people I sleep with.
God I'd love it if I could be as distant as most men after sex.

A quote I read was:

'Men don't think clearly before sex were as Women do,
Women think not so clearly after sex and Men do!'

Have you ever noticed men become very withdrawn after sex?
They have a good think afterwards, they think how you and they have acted. 

And it is completely true, they think more clearly after they have what they wanted and women are in this euphoric way of thinking.
They think everything is going to work out no matter how much they know deep, deep down it wont.

I still believe I will, I try telling myself it'll be different. That'll they'll like me and they will message me back. That I don't really like them.

They won't, I have begun to prepare myself for this feeling.

At the end of the day we are all made up of X and Y chromosomes but all of us have some primal need to be satisfied, needed or loved. We all want sex, I know I do. When You want it there'll only be one thing that will satisfy that craving...


I have personally have gone months without and getting past the 30 day mark when you're used to having it was a challenge. Most girls can last months, men on the other hand can not. Probably not even a day.

My friend lasted 3 years with no form of relationship or sex of any kind, he was to say the least... a bit frustrated. I am open and we talk about sex quite a lot and he lasted 3 month after hearing my exploits before having to buckle to casual sex with a friend from back home. No he's saying he fine without... I give him a month tops before he's itching and bitching to me about not getting any.

He is one of my very few friends that doesn't succumb to casual sex and waits for meaningful relationships. I had to give him a high five for following my advice and he is back to wanting a long term relationship.

I am lucky most of my male friends are settled and are not players, I am the only one that seems to be one or attracts them. I do not know why it is such an alien fact that women can act/think/behave like men. In my experience men find it intimidating or like an extra game if a girl thinks like a man.

I had one who tried to play mind games. I broke it off with him because I could smell the trouble coming and he threw his toys out of the pram acting like he had first and that id be devastated. The fact I couldn't care less annoyed him. He then spent months trying to wind me up about it and still calls to 'sleep over' even though he is in a relationship. 

Don't worry I don't answer anymore because he's too much head drama even for one night of hot sex.

My male friends have told me they are left confused how forward a girl can be and not knowing where they are standing, which leads me onto my next point...

why do men love when a woman acts like a bitch and why acting like a bitch can be the best thing you can do to keep a man....

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