Thursday 12 February 2015

The Truth About One Night Stands...

Although most of us aren't willing to admit they have had a one night stand 90% of Great Britain has had a one night stand. Male or female, it doesn't matter.

We all may not be willing to share but behind the comfort of those cosy computer screens we have all at least once wrote into google:

'How to turn a one night stand into a relationship',
'I had a one night stand how do I get rid of them easily'
or something STD related.

Trust me I have searched pretty much all of them, and all you get is forums with people voicing their opinion with no experience. I have been in all of those situations plenty of times.

If I'm honest I'm a bit of a one night stand addict. I wish I wasn't and one day no doubt I'll find someone that wont mind I'm so trusting or I'll have to go to therapy... shit happens.


You've had a one night stand and can't remember it or if you used a condom?

1. Get booked into your local clinic... not hard and any self respecting girl should know where to get tested.
Even when I'm not in a relationship I will still get tested every 3 months to make sure, or even if I haven't got laid in a year I still will.

2. That clinic can get you sorted within a month tops, unless its something more serious.

3. You can't remember it? You can do two things (or both)... Have a cry and put yourself down or you can pull up your big girl pants and decided if getting that drunk was worth never remembering what you've done.

Situation 2:

You aren't on contraception:

1: Boots... need I say more, (if I do... Pharmacist as long as your under 25, emergency contraception).

2: Get yourself on some contraception even if you're not planning on seeing anyone anytime soon.

So you've slept with him because he's spouted you some bullshit about how much he likes you and you wont be a one night stand... 1 out of probably 100 have actually meant it, most men say it just to get in your pants and make you think they're honest and they wont leave you hanging after..

They will,don't believe them one bit. Even if they are being honest.
If you sleep with the guy pretty soon, it's all lies.
I've had guys say:

'You'll never be a one night stand!'
'I don't believe in one night stands!'
'I want a relationship!'
'I like you!'
'How can you think that?'

or they just plain convince you...

I've even had one lately say they want a relationship when I clearly pointed out I wasn't relationship material or even wanted a relationship said 'want to get serious and be committed to each other' the first time we had sex and then completely delete me out of his life... to be honest he was one of my experiment relationship that I will get on to later. But the rule is:

1: Don't believe a word they say, even if they are being genuine. If you sleep with them too soon their is no going back. (with the exception of being a booty call).

2: You'll kid yourself he's different and it meant something... No. You give it up too quickly he's already made his mind up no matter how nice you or he is. You are too easy.

The only way you can rectify this is to move on and pretend like you're not bothered no matter how
much you are and how difficult everyday is wondering if you'll ever hear from him again. And even if you do and you think he might be different... he's not he's just keeping you around as a just in case. Which on a plus side mean you were good enough in between the sheets that'll he'll use you again but not good for you if you think he cares.

There's the subject not a lot of girls deal with but there still will be the rare few out there that will have this situation:

'I had a one night stand and now I cant get rid of them'

... I am so guilty of this, because I feel horrible getting rid of guys, no matter how much they repulse me or I don't get on with them after it.

My worst was my friend... I wont mention his name as we are still friends but he pestered me for months on end afterwards and will still come running after one text.

That is how you'll have to deal with one of these guys if they are hooked on you but its very very rarely.

I ignored him for months on end deleted him and he still wanted to be a part of my life so  I said we could be friends and he still tries it on and I have to just be firm and say no. In other circumstances that could turn ugly but I am lucky.

The last guy I was sleeping with wanted a relationship straight off before we knew each other and pretty much moved in with me, and it freaked me out being a complete commitment-phobe.
I am not proud of this but I pretended to be everything I wasn't, a sex freak, movie scene crazy ex and blasé slut.

It worked the day after he left me be and I haven't heard anything since. I don't do break ups well at the best of times, someone' always hurt. At least this way he keeps his ego intact and thinks he broke up with me. This is very rarely I will ever do this and I do not suggest this. But this is because he lives above me and I couldn't get him out of my flat and I needed to have my independence with me having another casual relationship going on that could give me more.

1: You either be honest.


2: Tell an outrageous lie.

if all fails use the critical technique above. (can at a later date put more detail into what I did).

Any questions you have or anything you think I should add let me know.

and at the end of the day, unless you can definitely be completely detached (practise) you'll be in one of these 3 situations.

Happy Hunting...

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