Thursday 12 February 2015

Welcome to Sex in Leeds...

I never liked sex and the city growing up, it wasn't till a month ago. I thought it was for girly girls who were desperate to find a relationship.
I watched a couple of episodes and I was that hooked, I bought the entire box-set and both films on sky movies. Ironic I know that a complete tomboy would love something so girly.

But really it isn't. It the modern day woman but with an optimistic outcome. I could relate to all of the characters except from Charlotte. I'm more of a Samantha with a little bit of Carrie. I think every girl would love to be a care-free Samantha.

So I guess your wondering why I started this blog in the first place. I have never wanted to go into journalism, it's after my most recent 'relationship' I thought I'd educate both men and women about how most women think... well mainly men.

Why is it the majority of men are not willing to accept that women can be as blasé as men?
Why can't women just want casual sex like men without them thinking we have a hidden agenda?
Why is it that men think we want certain things from relationships?
What are men really thinking?
Why is he ignoring me?
What have I done wrong?

Basically this blog will be sharing my experiences with men.
My many failings and successes, my regrets and triumphs.

If it gets off the ground fine, if not I'm not bothered. My main aim is so women like me or who have been through similar experiences don't feel like their completely on their own like I have, going out of my mind with worry wondering what it is I have said or done wrong to loose that guy we all thought was the one or the one for the mean time. 

And so men can find out what women think, act like, want...ect.

I am not talking for every girl, I am just speaking from experience. A more realistic version of Sex and The City if you will.

So what gives me a better perspective than most women you have heard from?

Like Carrie from Sex and The City I have had my fair share of bad relationships and one night stands, what most of them lately haven't realised is that I have been trying different techniques to be able to write this blog and get a better perspective. I am willing to get knowledge from bad experiences to share them, because like most girls at one point in my life I have gone to the internet for advice, ad I guess many people have. Also I have mainly male friends, am a tomboy and slightly bi sexual, so I have and can get that knowledge most girls are dying to find out.

Here's my story...

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