Friday 27 February 2015

Everyday Pet Peeves Any 20 Something Woman Has...

Everyday Pet Peeves Any 20 - Something Has...

Well mainly these are mainly my pet peeves/things that piss me off, but surely I can't be the only person... surely?!?

1. People walking in front of me and general rudeness on sidewalks.

Erm what the actual fuck is wrong with some (most) people. I let people by and I don't get so much as a thank you. People shoulder barging me when there is tones of room and not even sorry.
And most of the time I can see it coming so I move out the way and they still fucking get me. Then there's the slowest walkers ever when I'm in a rush and they seem to takeover the entire pavement.... AWW or girls in groups linking arms.
How the hell am I meant to get through you.

Don't even get me started on pashy couples!

2. Guy's clearly staring at you for minuets, hours, days, weeks, months and not making a move.

Like seriously... what do you want?
Do you fancy me or what? Or do I have something on my face?
Seriously now you're making me paranoid?
No... You're definitely giving me the eye.

And sometimes in a work or educational establishment this can last months maybe even years. What the hell are you looking at me for? If you want my number come and get it otherwise I'm putting a fucking bag on my head and pretending you don't exist.
I don't need these third world problems as well as the other menial shit I have to deal with.

3. Eyebrow even-ness.

Since eyebrow definition became a big thing it has become a morning struggle for myself and I'm sure a lot of women.

I have very fair eyebrows for some bizarre reason even though I'm naturally dark, so I fill my eyebrows in... if that wasn't a struggle enough my eyebrows seem to disagree with each other what shape they should be.

Right eyebrow is an absolute babe and goes perfect in about 2 seconds. Grows perfectly too.
Left eyebrow however is... a complete wanker. Grows the completely wrong shape and never wants to cooperate on a morning when I'm filling it to make it look the same.

...the most ironic thing is, the left eyebrow is on show and the right is under my fringe -_-

So I am forever saying:

'One eyebrow always be coming out Gucci and is coming out Walmart!'

4. The New Generation of Children and Bad Parents.

I remember last summer I went to a holiday camp and it had a disco, I was however there purely for the bar. As I looked around every child was on a iPad/Tablet/Phone, not interacting or even looking up. Ignoring their parents. I remember when I was younger there was nothing better than running around at a disco and actually interacting with other human beings or playing out on the streets after school... do kids even do that anymore?

What are these parents thinking?

Children as young as two. I know this because my nieces know how to use my iPhone and my mam's iPad better than we do and their 3 & 5 years old and this started a year ago. Both of them love taking selfies with us but I just worry what they will be like in a couple of years.

Also in public, say in a restaurant or walking down the street, I am sick of badly behaved children and parents with no manners. I know a lot of my friends and family with kids are teaching them good manners but MY GOD!!!

On a daily basis I have children running into me on the street not watching where they are going and not even apologising then the parents don't even pull them up about it or apologize to me. The most embarrassing thing is because I am tall... they run straight into my crotch 9 times out of 10. I never want a child coming out of me, never mind running into my 'bits'. My nieces are no angels when we are out but there is no way in hell I would let them run away or into someone and if they did I would make them apologize and apologize myself.

It's just good manners and it's something the new generations are sadly lacking.

5. Having A Difficult/Different Name.

To be honest my name is not that different or unique. It's a little old fashioned but OH MY GOD... every time I go to work in a different venue or sometimes new venues, they can never spell my name. It's not that hard to spell. It's one of the major reasons I insist on being called by my shortened name Gina. I've literally seen so many derivations of people trying to spell my name. Sometimes they can't even spell Gina... Seriously I've seen someone spell it Jeina... What!
And when I was little anywhere I went I could never get anything with my name on and if I could finally find something I'd have a little party in my pants. Oh and never mind the inventive and cruel nicknames I got given off bullies that I can now laugh at. The funniest will always be:

'GEORGINAAAA HAS A SMALL WEINER!' and 'Georgie Porgie Pudding and Pie'

I loved being made out to be a transvestite and a lesbian at the age of 4 upwards. So thanks Mam & Dad for being inventive and awkward bastards... Don't even get me started on how people try to spell my last name and middle name.

6. Coats... Just Coats.

I can never win. It's so hard to find a nice coat... well it is for me, finding one that suits me, in my size, that's in fashion, one for hot and cold weather.

Then for the weather to fuck up all your plans.
Ohh it looks really nice outside today I'll just wear a light jacket or a hoody, then you get outside and it pisses down. You're freezing, wet and to top it off you now look like a drowned rat because you didn't have a hood or a umbrella.

Then there's the times when you think ohhh it's a bit cold and drizzling, I best put my big coat on, for you to start walking and the sun starts beaming down. You end up at your desired destinations sweating you're tits off and you daren't take off the massive coat, despite the fact water is coming out of every orifice.

Then there's the days you just cant figure out and of the above happens... this is why I always look a mess.

And we've all either been stuck in a coat or had that heart attack moment the zipper get's stuck... and you think 'Well that's it, I'm going to have to have to wear this hideous green parka the rest of my life... even walk down the aisle in it!

7. Healthy Vs. Junk Food.

I don't even think I need to go into detail. Every normal girl has this problem everyday.

'I want to be skinny and I need to loose 20 pounds... but that pizza looks amazing! Well just one cheat day can't hurt'

Then a cheat day turns into a cheat month or its every now and again. Then we wonder why we cry when we get on the scales. Seriously hats off to the people in this world who can enjoy going every single day for the rest of their lives living like rabbits and never knowing the joy of ordering a massive takeaway then beating yourself up for the next week HAHAHA!

I am so guilty of being starving, having no food in purposely so I am not tempted... Then I buckle and order a massive takeaway, by the time it comes I managed about two mouthfuls and I'm dying in a field of untouched takeaway boxes.

The saying 'eye's bigger than your belly' most definitely applies me. I then feel guilty and want to start my diet again but because I'm absolutely skint I will stuff it into myself so I don't waste my money, destroy the evidence and work my arse off for the next week to not loose a single pound.

It's a never ending cycle that I find absolutely hilarious. There is no doubt in my mind if I stuck to one diet in my life completely, I'd be skinny by now.... But I'd be bloody miserable and you'd never learn how to pick yourself back up again after failing.

So yeah I'll let you justify those little slip ups, as long as they don't turn into cheat months haha.

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